Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Oak Island and the stone Triangle

A triangle within a triangle pointing at a triangle??? Triangle inception? a prank, an ancient pointer? Sounds like some Indiana Jones sorta stuff right???

The top of a pyramid? maybe it could have once been a ship docking point? or maybe under the triangle is a bigger mystery?

Or could this Triangle possibly be an ancient switch to turn off the flood tunnels? But with so much diging and damaging of the original system, maybe this switch may not work anymore?

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Oak island and a spiked oak log

Ok friends, skepticism is back in my mind now.
All that digging, all that searching and you find a perfectly sawed off spiky log? 4 shaved sides, still mostly clean, no rotted spots. just a solid piece of log.

WTF????? this one is obviously planted!!! And planted by someone with no imagination! All that rusty iron and you come back with a brand spanking new piece of log???

That island ain't cursed I say... its the damn help, sabotaging you every fricking time!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Oak Island revolutionary history!

The news networks are breaking the story before the episode happens.
Remember that tarnished sword we saw on episode 1 opening credits? Guess it is something crazy, and found more evidence along with it.

Is it planted? We may never know for sure!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Oak Island and Ancient Roman Explorers???

Could it be true?
Could Ancient Roman explorers have brought over the body of christ , the holy grail, the spear of destiny all to the new world thousands of years ago?

Did the founding fathers know and bury this secret? Is there a whole other treasure waiting to be discovered?

Or could it be that these items have been planted on the island to mislead the team?
 Could the hoaxster known as Pulitzer be leading Rick and Marty Lagina on a fabricated story to get his own TV show ratings????

We can only keep on watching and hope for the best.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Money Pit and the Free Mason Conspiracy

What if the greatest secret the freemasons had was that they have no clue whats on the island???
What if it were all a practical joke by two kids, and then the masons got fooled and spent so much money to find dirt.

Didnt Everyone on the work crew suddenly decide to admit they were masons in Season 2?

What if those guys have no fricking clue therefore they have nothing to offer the team. Just along for free evening beer and paycheques.

Rick and Marty, just dig and get to the bottom literally.

The money pit and ancient Mayans????

WTF say it ain't so ancient aliens dude!!!! I highly doubt it. This guy is slurring like a drunk all episode long.
How the heck to you build interconnecting tunnels to a treasure pit and not get flooded before you complete it????
"I believe *hic* *hic* theres treashurreesssssss"

Rick and Marty stop hiring these drunks... JUST DIG !!!!! Dig all the way down then scoop through those murky waters. 144 ft right???? Dig it mofos!!!!!

I get too emotional sometimes.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Another Dead End?????

We thought we had it sorted out, but then wtf happened? where did the cavern go and where did all this metal come from???????
This island is alive, maybe alien? what the heck is going on? why cant we get a break? maybe we need to dam off the entire island and dig it all to hell???

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The lure, the lore, the legend

Every growing boy dreams of finding treasure, or solving some ridiculous riddle. I learned about treasure from the book "Treasure Island" by Stevenson. It had everything you could dream of! Pirates, treasure, adventure! everything. I remember watching the "In search of series" and multiple National Geographic documentaries about treasure. I grew up in a small town in New Brunswick and they had tons of legends regarding Spanish Treasure and Free Masons. Seems everyone on the East Coast of Canada is a Free Mason. But no one remembers how to get the treasure out!

If it truly were buried by master Masons, wouldn't there be better accounts and technology readily available by this day and age? Maybe it just isnt time to get that treasure out?

The boys seems to be doing a good job digging up the island, but Lets see what new discoveries they find in the future episodes? I hope its treasure!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Bronze Sword

Many of you might have seen the bronze sword in the season preview. There are a whole bunc of questions on this one. Where did it come from ? Will it tell us all we need to know about the people who may have visited the island in the past? Or was it seeded there to trick us?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Oak Island - The big dig!

Seems like the boys keep digging and keep finding new clues, past history. What a crazy island riddled in so much mystery!

How deep could you dig at the center of oak island before it flooded?
Rick and Marty!  Lets get coring and answer this question???? Maybe you will hit a giant gold nugget? The doorway to hell? Or an under water chasm ????

Hire me for more cool ideas!!!!

ROVs yup....

Yes folks, in season 3 someone finally decides to use a cheap ROV to get a better look!

Will we see dirt at the bottom of the shaft? Maybe ancient aliens? or will the ROV stop working???

Join us next time on the Curse of Oak Island - exploring a hole !

Monday, November 30, 2015

They're at it again!

Well season 3 is here and the boys are digging again! Like serious mofo digging, holes every where! What will they find? More dirt?

Fire pits theory?

 Quite possibly instead of throwing the stones, you need to do a legit excavation. You might find some ground supports. These would be some ...